To live in a society requires us to create systems so that we all work together, supposedly for the common good. I have been around enough to see countries disappear and new nations form. I have seen people rebel against the current system of government in the hopes that they could create something better. 

Before you begin to think this is going to be a political blog, let me turn the corner with one simple observation. Every system that man creates is fundamentally flawed because it is dependent upon the integrity of those who operate the systems. When you look at history, nations have fallen because they ultimately became so corrupt that they imploded. 

Our country has a democratic republic that is governed by a rule of law and not by the will of a few in power, or a king, or a tyrant. When individuals serving in the government choose to subvert the law for their own benefit, agenda or power, we begin the journey toward implosion. 

When the United States was established, our founding fathers were deeply formed in their Judeo/Christian roots where personal morality was paramount. This helps us understand the founder’s motivation in establishing a nation that is, therefore, dependent on the integrity of all the individuals who are entrusted to honestly fulfill their oath of office. 

But what happens when government officials and the people they govern no longer desire to follow God and His will for their lives? What if they choose to reject God’s moral code and live by their own self-serving rules? What if they turn to other ideas that can remove God from the equation? Or create other religions not based on God, but on worldly pursuits like power, money or pleasure? 

Here are a few current examples of how humanity is looking to other ideas or pursuits for their happiness. 

Secular Humanism – There is no supernatural Creator God, and humanity is the highest form of being. If there is no God, then there are no absolute truths, and we are free to make our own rules for our own selfish purposes (relativism). It may be fair to say that individuals buying into secular humanism may have honest intentions, but when truth is removed, what’s left? Perhaps a whole lot of deception.

Government – There are forms of government that seek to rule the people by being the total provider of all their needs. Such examples of this include communism, socialism, democratic socialism, and dictatorships. In these examples, the people are not free to do as they wish (within reason) but must obey the will of the government or pay severe consequences. Of course, if the government gives you individual rights, they can also take them away. Is it any wonder that so many people living under the rule of these governments are in search of the real freedom that the  United States currently offers?

Science – Science has become the new “Standard for Truth”. But what happens when scientists dishonestly alter their findings to support a political narrative they believe in or to make a large sum of money? Again, human dishonesty enters into the system and corrupts its integrity. When scientists cease to operate within the scientific method of reporting their observation and manipulate their findings to suit their narrative, science can no longer be trusted. A case of one bad apple spoiling the entire lot? Perhaps.

The critical core of all human systems rests squarely on the integrity of both the system and its members. If a building’s foundation does not have the true dimensions needed to sustain the weight of the structure, the building will eventually fall apart. If government officials are not serving true to their oath of office but rather serve their own interest or agenda, the integrity of the government declines.

When Adam and Eve chose to rebel against God (original sin), humanity experienced a fracture, both within and between each person. Selfless love and care for the common good was replaced with selfish personal pursuits. When God confronted Adam and Eve with their sin, they avoided responsibility for their actions. 

Instead of accepting the lack of a personal moral code as the cause for corrupted actions and systems, we are tempted to see the system as flawed and in need of replacement. Does it surprise us when we replace the system and still corruption exists?  The consistency with which humanity has fallen into corruption provides us with the best evidence of our flawed human nature, and, therefore, a need to return to God. Only when humanity repents of their sinful disobedience and returns to God will they find the peace and care for the common good they search for. 

Man was created by God to live with God in His truth. When people leave God and venture away from His truth, they enter into confusion, hatred, disarray, brokenness, sin and ultimately death at the hands of themselves.

There is no institution, political movement, system or political party that can repair what we are doing to ourselves. Only when each person turns back to God in humility and accepts responsibility for their own actions of rebellion, will God mercifully respond and help. When a nation chooses to repent and yield before God, He will come to their aid. But if they don’t, they will lose their nation!

How do we know this is true? 

Look at the Word of God. Read the history of the Israelites in the Old Testament. You will see an historical cycle of unity with God, a period of rebellion, a fall into calamity, a call to repentance (individual and corporate), and back to unity with God. Despite God’s patient attempts to restore the Israelites, He eventually allowed the nation to be destroyed.

The Israelites are not only the chosen people of God but are also deeply loved by Him. He created them and us with a free will so that we are free to choose to love Him and others. But with that freedom and ability to experience love comes responsibility. When we misuse our freedom, God, like a loving parent, will hold us responsible for our actions. It is through our actions that we learn to trust each other. When we can trust each other, then love is free to flow between us.

How do we know God is trustworthy?

God’s love is sacrificial. His love seeks the benefit of all, even at great personal cost to Himself. Jesus Christ proved that on the cross. He died so that we could regain life with God. But when we choose to reject God, we choose life apart from Him and death. Let us see God’s truth exemplified in our actions by repenting and making this a national call to repentance, that we might save our republic from the implosion coming.