I just returned from the inaugural conference of CHARIS USA in Providence, Rode Island. During the conference there was a word of Prophesy given to the entire group that resonated with my spirit. “I am about to pour out a great anointing on my children. Do not be afraid to step into this anointing. To whatever degree you step into my anointing, I will increase the amount you will receive.”

As I prayed through that word, I sensed a great call to trust in the Lord, but I didn’t know how to step into it. The following is the Lord’s response, in my journaling prayer exercise, to show me how to enter into this anointing.


Dear Ralph,

Here is your prayer in the days to come.


Entrust this journey to her as you trusted her to bring you into the silence. She will bring you into all that you are asking for.

What I am asking you to do is not an initiative but little acts of love. Like the one you are aware of now. I want you to put yourself out there as a conduit of my LOVE. Simply act on opportunities to love and I will do the rest.

Make the focus of your life LOVE. As you keep focused on me you will see opportunities to love. Step out in faith. Trust in the anointing that I will give you. When you speak, when you pray over others for healing, when you receive a prophetic word for others, my love moves forward in various ways that can sometimes be seen.

Here is where you must understand how I choose to work. It is not your job to heal, it is your job to love. It is I who works in the midst of love. Always pray, always love, always be the conduit of my love. In this way you can never question whether it was of me or not, because Love is always of me.

You can never go wrong when you do acts of kindness and love. Whether I choose to manifest my power in the moment or not, will you still choose to love. Or will you love only if signs and wonders come.

People are longing for the touch of love. It is so foreign in this world of lust that twisted touch to use someone as an object of pleasure. The Touch of love enables my Spirit to flow through you. Some touches are literal, while others come in various forms. Words, acts of kindness…

To be effective at this, you must have your eyes open, looking for every opportunity to love others and not yourself. The enemy has used media in the world today to be a major form of distraction from this process. All things can be useful for my kingdom, but know that the enemy takes all things and twists it for his purposes.

Take, for example, television. Many people are addicted to it. They spend much of their free time closing their minds and entering into a fantasy, a story. They will spend hours there and not reflecting on their own lives or others. How I long to spend some of that time with them. Instead, I am relegated to just 30 minutes or an hour during the day. Yes I’m glad for that time, but LOVE ALWAYS WANTS MORE.

I could do so much more if I had greater access to their hearts. I could love so much more through them were I at the center of that free time. Each person, including you, must choose to love me more than anything, any activity or anyone else. Only then will you have victory over addictions.

Love is not free to flow in addiction. Addiction is always self-centered in focus. All will find freedom from this addiction when they learn to choose me and my love for them above all else. Then, as they spend time in my Spirit, the fruit of self-control will manifest and ultimately eliminate that addiction.

The enemy uses self-love, in the form of fear of others, to prevent you from doing these random or overt acts of kindness. So long as you come first in your life, my love is not free to flow through you. This is why I asked you to deny yourself, pick up your cross, and die with me.

Love Conquers All – when you die to those fears and do those acts of Love I will multiply it. Give me your love (two fish and five loaves) and I will anoint it with my love and together we will bless others (feed five thousand).
