As we progress down these new untraveled avenues of the “new normal” of post-Covid 19, it has become apparent that we can’t wait for everything to return back to what we had. Local parishes across the country have responded to the quarantine with a variety of different responses. From doing nothing at all but hunkering down, to developing a multimedia Mass online, to figuring out how to do real ministry in this new normal; there was the full spectrum of responses. 

I believe we are going to see dramatic changes in the local parish landscape in the months to come. Since Covid 19 has become a tool within the political landscape, I believe the Church is going to experience unexpected (or expected by evil enemies) adverse consequences. Some parishes are simply not going to survive financially as more and more parishioners grow accustomed to not going to Mass. 

This period of change will bring to light the spiritual health of the local parish. Those parishes that were being spiritually fed and are living in the life and power of the Holy Spirit will have the parishioners who will make sure that their tithe makes it to their church.  Those parishes who measured their “health” only by money coming in may begin to see that money dry up with the attendance.  If money was the focus of the leadership, then the flock may lack the faith to withstand the current.

What we can’t do is continue to sit back and “wait” for this to pass by. I believe we are in a time where there is a current of evil that is starting to gain strength, and we need to prepare for it. Like a river preparing to reach flood stage, we see the rain falling that will soon bring the floods of destruction to all we have built. For almost fifteen years I have been asking pastors to envision how they will spiritually feed their flock when they can no longer meet in our parish buildings. 

I don’t mean to sound like an alarmist, but I do seek to wake up parish leadership teams and get them to start seeking the will of the Holy Spirit on what to do next. I do believe that those who have the mantle of preaching at our liturgies need to go beyond asking God for an end to Covid 19 and start preaching a sense of urgency in our need to grow closer to God. 

We need to be placing thoughts in the minds of individuals, parents and families that they need to dispose themselves to other people, places and resources where they can grow closer to God. With the signs of the times, we can’t just preach as we normally do. We must speak to the current climate and recall all our faithful to the commitment they made in their baptism. 

If you imagine the parable of Sower and the Seed in Luke 8:4-8, only the seed that falls on good soil will survive. If this is prophetically true, then only twenty five percent of our people will remain and grow. That means that seventy five percent will lose their seeds of faith and walk away. A great time of pruning is coming. Not only do we need to be committed to Jesus, but also to His Body. 

Like a shepherd who sees wolves in the distance and calls his sheep to get close to him, preachers must call the sheep back to Christ and warn them of the dangers surrounding them. Brother clergy and all other ministers, let us rise and warn our flocks of the evil that surrounds us! Let us call everyone back to the Good Shepherd!