One of the things I have personally been working on lately is learning how to distinguish God’s voice from the noise in our world. It has been especially helpful and fruitful in the midst of this election year and everything else going on in our world. This all started by me praying for one specific thing in my prayer time. 

Lord, please help me to start to see and recognize the truth.

I prayed for this every day for a month. I was in desperate need of the truth. Every day I was bombarded with different stories and opinions on social media. I was sick of this idea of living “your truth”. I wanted to hear His Truth, THE Truth. Little by little I started to see situations and conversations differently. I would read or hear something and a little voice inside would speak the Truth. It would remind me what I believe, it would point out how illogical the lie was. Normally I would have allowed these lies and opinions to root themselves in my soul and they would fill me with doubt or anxiety. I didn’t realize that was what I was doing, but by allowing myself to entertain them I was giving them space inside me. Space that would normally be filled with peace. The more I prayed for that understanding the more I felt a change in my thinking. Now as the doubt or anxiousness would creep in it was met with this little voice. It was almost like a shield or pop-up blocker would arise and it would speak the Truth to my soul. The worry would disappear, the doubt would be silenced and instead I would be overcome with peace. Over the last couple of months this has developed and grown. I feel as though God helped me to create an armor to the lies of the world. My shield still takes some hits every once and awhile, but overall I have gotten stronger. My faith has gotten stronger. 

I bring this up because right now, our world is at war with the Truth. There are so many voices and so many opinions and I believe we have become desensitized to God’s voice. We have chosen to focus on everything else in the hopes that we can control it.  We want so badly to fix everything that we forget that, if we give Him the control, God can do that. 

I am currently reading a book called “Interior Freedom” by Jacques Philippe and I stumbled on something that I believe we as a Church need to hear right now. Philippe says: 

“Ultimately, we have just one moral duty: to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves, more and more peace, and to reflect it towards others. And the more peace there is in us, the more peace there will also be in our troubled world.”

When did we forget that WE are the body of Christ? When did we forget that our life reflects Him? Choosing Him in a society like this will ostracize us, but it will also show the world what we believe. It will point them to the Truth. It will point them to the Way and the Life. It will point them to Him. 

And isn’t that really what our job is? 

↿ Philippe, Interior Freedom, pg 89