St. Paul uses a metaphor to help disciples understand the journey of becoming an effective disciple for the Kingdom of God. 

“Run so as to win. … Thus I do not run aimlessly … . No, I drive my body and train it, for fear that, after having preached to others, I myself should be disqualified.” 1 Corinthians 9:24b-27 NABre

For the next three blogs, we are going to do a deep dive into this text so that we, too, can become effective in our role as disciples of Jesus Christ. Remember that Scripture is not just meant to be known, but applied. Living with authentic faith means that we “be living” according to the Word of God BECAUSE it is trustworthy. 

Recognizing that we want to “win the race”, for Christ and His kingdom, we must learn how to “run” in the Christian life. This is a high level of function that mature disciples are able to do. How did they get there? Just as athletes train vigorously to achieve their high level of function, we must also follow the same progression.

Let us look at the fundamentals that leads one to the higher level of function. Before one can run, they must first learn how to walk. Before they learn to walk, they must first learn how to stand. For disciples, this means learning how to stand for Christ

Everyone who wishes to become a follower of Christ must learn how to stand up in the public square and declare that they are a disciple of Christ. This is not an easy thing to do. This requires forfeiting your previous goals and aspirations, conforming your life to the teachings of Christ, and developing the faith that enables one to do that. 

Let us look at the implications of standing up for Christ:

  • Being Christ’s disciple becomes your #1 priority, above all else.
    • Above your own goals, wants and dreams.
    • Above your marriage.
    • Above your family.
    • Above your work.
    • Above your passions, hobbies, and sins.
    • Above your ministry.
  • You are called to give witness to his reality not only in your life but in the world. You do this by:
    • Refusing to join friends in sinful activity.
    • Seeking to honor Christ with what you say.
    • Seeking to honor Christ with what you do. 
    • Giving testimony of how Jesus has influenced your life.
  • The world (and the demons driving it) will do all they can to get you to compromise your belief in Christ. God allows this to test and grow your faith. The world will tempt you with things like:
    • Encouraging you to fulfill your own desire above God’s or others.
    • Using your spouse, who hasn’t yet encountered Christ, to force you to back away from Jesus and go with them.
    • Having your boss ask you to cheat a customer.
    • Encouraging you to keep trying to hide the habitual sin you still want to act on in your life. 

These and many more are very real situations where we have to exercise our free will. This is like the training athletes go through to succeed. How foolish we are to think that we could walk with Christ when we have not yet learned to stand for him. 

This is the first level of our journey into effective discipleship. While daunting in scope, we have been given the Holy Spirit to enable us to achieve each level. Call out to the Spirit and ask for help with every situation. Repent when you fall, ask for forgiveness. 

You fell hundreds of times before you learned to physically stand as a toddler. With the same determination, let us hold the hand of the Spirit and keep practicing.