When asked to give parish evaluations, I often notice the amount of personal investment and security placed on different ministries. Most staff deeply desire the will of the Lord. However, if I am brutally honest, I notice the carving out of territories within the church. I then see a staff that is divided and hesitant to help each other. They are satisfied with their own plan and don’t really want anyone’s input, even if it might improve their ministry. This can be the result of many things, but chief amongst them is the absence of unity.

Instead of working to build the Kingdom of Christ, they have carved out a piece of territory for themselves and are unwilling to let it go without causing a considerable amount of drama with parishioners. While it is true that the method in which this issue is addressed can also cause damage, we must remember that love is a priority within the Kingdom of God. Love must rule the day!

If we are going to bring about the Kingdom of God within our parishes and, more precisely, the ministries within them, then we are going to have to focus our attention back on what the Lord desires to accomplish within our parishes. For the majority of parishes this will not be a daunting task. Most staff want to be led and desire Godʼs will. Within the smaller segment of parishes where this is a challenge, the leadership must look carefully at the hearts of their staff, asking the Holy Spirit for the eyes to see their hearts.

I believe every pastor desires to bring their employee under their direction, saving their job instead of letting them go. Sometimes, because of the circumstances, that is not always possible and the need to relieve them of their office is essential. In fact, sometimes the Pastor tries so hard or waits so long for them to change that they may end up causing more damage to the parish.

The truth is that every servant of Christ, serving an office in the church, owes it to Jesus to do the will of their superior. If they do not feel comfortable in doing that, then they must, for the good of the body and obedience to the Lord, communicate their reservations. After doing so, if the pastor does not agree and the staff can’t comply with the pastor’s wishes, then they must leave the office.

The office of the Pastor is the local shepherd for the flock and he is the authority. We must trust that Jesus will ultimately take care of HIS flock. So let us evaluate whether we are building God’s kingdom or our own. Lord, teach us to get out of the way.