As most dioceses are starting to make a push to implement the New Evangelization, parishes are starting to discuss this “new” term. This conversation has forced people to learn what evangelization is. Many still think this is “something the Protestants do, while other have little to know understanding of what it is. The we have several Church documents that discuss this but that knowledge has not trickled down to the local parish level.

One of the critical steps in responding to the Bishop’s call for a new evangelization is attaining the vision of where to go. While consulting with parishes I have interviewed their staff and found as a rule that just about every staff member has their own definition or understanding of evangelization.

Imagine Moses trying to move the Israelites out of Egypt. He had his own Staff called Tribal Leaders. How successful would Moses have been if each of those leaders led their tribes in their own direction. Moses had to provide for them the vision and infrastructure needed to move everyone together. It amazes me that while Peter had Jesus to focus on while walking on water, the Israelites a a cloud or pillar of fire.

The first element the leader must if is the vision of where they are going before they attempt to lead anyone. When this vision is not present the leadership defaults back to the standard practice within the church. They basically maintain the programs that were present before they came. This is causing a tremendous problem among our faithful. They have grown up only knowing religious education without conversion or introduction to the person of Jesus. Once confirmed, they grow up believing that this is all there is.

To initiate a new evangelization we must provide the vision for our staff and followers that there is greener grass to the faith and the means to get there!