The journey into mature discipleship of Jesus Christ is just that, a journey.  We all wish that we had been transformed when we made the decision to commit our lives to the Lord. Unfortunately, the rude reality that change was going to be a difficult process has become quite evident.

Each of us has our own difficulties yielding to the Lord those areas that are unique to us. While some struggle with habitual sin, others struggle with simple, non-sinful areas of our lives. The extent of our brokenness, willfulness, fears, and level of commitment to Christ determines how well we do at turning everything over to Him.

One area, however, appears to be very common for all of us: making Jesus the Lord of our calendars. The struggle we have to allow Him to become the Lord of our time is one that every person must contend with. We are so accustomed to being in control of our schedule that yielding that to the Lord can really become a struggle.

Is Jesus really the Lord of your calendar?

Are we able to adjust quickly when someone or something unexpected arrives in our path?

Do we dictate to God when we will serve him?

For years, the Catholic Church has been forming volunteers rather than disciples. That is to say that they have fully expected everyone who experiences conversion to go and build their own kingdom first and then give God the leftovers of their time, talent and treasure.

If we are going to form authentic, mature disciples of Jesus, we must instruct them to put God first IN ALL AREAS. This also includes putting all we have at His disposal, including our calendars. This is a much different mindset.

As a missionary, I understand that while I run my own apostolate, Jesus is my boss. People assume all the time that I am moving from Ohio to Texas where all my kids and grandkids now live. While I would very much like to be there with them, that decision is not mine to make. It belongs squarely in the hands of my Lord.

I have learned, in forty years of walking with the Lord, that it is not wise to go ahead of Him. His timing is perfect. While my heart really wants to be close to my family, I know that being His disciple requires some sacrifice. Therefore, I must learn to live another death of discipleship – to wait upon the Lord. More on that next.