I am spending more of my time training parish staff and volunteers in the process of Evangelization. So little is really understood about evangelization, and we have had the bishops and cardinals calling for the “New Evangelization” since the early 1960’s. Why has it taken so long for people in the local parishes to not only hear about it, but begin to respond to it?

In my observations over the past eleven years, it has become crystal clear to me that if the Catholic Church (in the United States) is going to genuinely respond to the “New Evangelization”, it is going to do so kicking and screaming. They simply don’t want to do what is really required to accomplish it. This statement is not directed toward any given group (clergy or laity), but to the entire Church.

During the first few years of my observation, very few people (including some clergy) had no real understanding of what evangelization was, let alone the “New Evangelization”. I don’t mean this as a slap against the clergy because they were not trained in evangelization in seminary.

The laity’s view of it was simply something that the Protestants did, and “since we’re not Protestant, we don’t have to do it.” It was almost as if we collectively stuck our heads in the ground and hoped it would all turn around.

As the Church began to pay attention to the signs of the times and the great exodus occurring out of our parishes, some bishops and pastors began to take notice. Honestly, I don’t believe it became a real issue in the minds of most in leadership until the money to sustain our parishes began to dry up.

Then the leadership was looking for the magic program that would turn it all around. All the while, the inherent issues were never really being addressed. Now we find ourselves in crisis on several fronts, and the remnant faithful (clergy and laity) are searching for answers. The answer will only come from the Holy Spirit through both groups.

After years of forming volunteers within our parishes, the Church is going to need authentic disciples to right the course of the Church. Those who are close to the Holy Spirit will are already seeing that a great sacrifice is going to be required of all of us. One of the greatest sacrifices is that of time.

The volunteer has been working to build his kingdoms on earth and giving God (and his Church) the leftovers of time, talent and treasure. To return to authentic evangelization, we are going to have to do the work of relationship-building with strangers. This will take precious time that, frankly, most volunteers aren’t prepared to give, thus the “kicking and screaming” we will do as the Spirit increases the level of persecution.  

Pope Francis coined the phrase “Missionary Disciples” to place an emphasis on the fact that disciples “should be missionary” in their identity and behavior. Each of us are commanded to make disciples (Matt. 28:19), and that requires the process of evangelization.

The problem is that we have volunteers who were never trained to be disciples who give everything to Jesus, and they were never trained to bring others to Him.

It is for this reason that NEM (New Evangelization Ministries) exists. We are almost ready to roll out the training. The question is, are the parishioners?