“Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, …” Phil. 2:5-7a  (NRSV)

As an evangelist, one of my tasks in helping people to encounter Jesus is to help them become properly disposed to the truth that Jesus reveals.  St. Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, brings up a very clear issue that must be addressed. It is so common among us that it is never really acknowledged – equality with God!

A repentant heart is a critical element of proper disposition toward God. For most of us, repentance is most often directed toward our sinfulness. But there is a greater underlying problem that leads us to the idea that we can sin. It is a fruit of original sin, given to us from Satan. He gives us the idea that we are equal to God.

When you see this written, you may immediately think “well, of course not!” However, when we examine our attitudes and behaviors toward God’s will for our lives, we might be surprised to see a current of rebellion flowing deep within us. We really don’t like anyone telling us what to do. We enjoy the freedom to choose.

How many times have we stood up to God in our prayers and said, “if you want me to follow your will, then what is going to happen? I won’t do it unless I can see everything that will happen.”  How many times have we walked away from God after submitting a request because we either did not get the answer we wanted or didn’t get it in the timeline we wanted?

No, we see ourselves as an equal to the Almighty God!!!

God has three great attributes. Let’s do a quick evaluation of them and see how we compare:

  1. God is Omniscient! – He knows everything about everything. Do we?
  2. God is Omnipotent! – He is all-powerful and can do anything. Can we?
  3. God is Omnipresent! – He is everywhere, at the same time, at all times. Are we?

We can’t compare to God and yet we somehow seem to look at Him as if He is like us! God was not made in our image; we were made in His. So if God has these attributes, why the rebellion?  Because of the pain we suffer. Another issue we don’t look at is the doubt we have in God’s goodness.

We all have a “why God” question. “God, if you’re all-powerful and loving, then why do bad things happen to good people?” For most of us, this issue of faith or trust must be dealt with if we are going to treat God with the virtue of justice, which is “to give to each person what they are due”. Jesus came to show us that equality with God can never be accomplished and will only thwart your efforts of a fulfilling life.

If God really is God and has all those attributes, then we, who profess to believe this is true, must retrain our minds to live the truth of who we are. We are not God, but only His creation!

The sooner we make this adjustment, the easier it is going to be to live in His Kingdom.