The Mass is comprised of two liturgies that were developed in the early days of the Church when the new Converts to Christianity were still going to the Temple, listening to the sacred readings of the Old Testament, and then gathering at someone’s home for the “Breaking of the Bread”. The first liturgy was the Liturgy of the Word that comes from the Temple and the second is the Liturgy of the Eucharist. 

As a Deacon in the Catholic Church, I have a very unique perspective during the celebration of the Mass, particularly during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. While the Priest is praying the words of consecration, I am able to look up and see what the congregation is doing. What I witness from this perspective is nothing short of disheartening. 

I am given a brief view of what our Lord must see when He is elevated and looks out upon the faces of those who come to “celebrate” this most sacred of times. I see a majority of people who are almost completely disconnected to this holy moment. It is as if they are on automatic pilot and coasting through the rest of the Mass. I say this not as an indictment, because I too, when not serving, have found myself in this same situation of struggling not to drift away.  

When I point this reality out in my preaching, I see many faces nodding in agreement. This is a real issue and one that we need to look at. In my book, “Pick Up Your Cross and Follow Me”, I define that one of the four fundamental disciplines of a disciple of Jesus Christ is the breaking of the bread.  This comes from the end of acts chapter two (2:42), when Luke describes what the early Church devoted themselves to. The Eucharist was a key place to encounter Jesus in the Spirit of God.

Today, there is a huge disconnect within this liturgy among our people. We must once again regain our faith and thus our spiritual sight to recognize the Lord’s presence. In our new small group process, Walking On Water  (WOW Process), I describe the unholy trinity that we are up against in our spiritual growth. This trinity is ever present particularly within the Mass, keeping us so distracted that we go through this liturgy never really connecting as we should with the Lord. 

The unholy trinity is 1. The World (its’ influence upon us), 2. Our Flesh (prone to weakness and sin) and 3. The Devil (whose demons come in with us and distract us from seeing the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament). This is a powerful trio that never ceases in attempting to diminish our spiritual encounters with the Lord. But with the Lord, we have the power in the Holy Spirit to not only overcome this enemy, but thrive spiritually. 

So what do we do?

Let us practice this fundamental discipline by:

1. Arriving early to Mass to evaluate our venial sins and pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to remove the spirits of the world that seek to enter the Mass with us to distract us. 

2. Repent of our sins and enter into a posture of humility that is desperate for God’s help.

3. Invoke the Holy Spirit to come and move us through the entire Mass, helping us recognize the Lord’s presence and reveal to us our true spiritual need for Him.

4. Listen to how the Church, the bride of Christ, is being led to pray. What is she asking for in the opening prayer? What is the first reading calling us to recognize? How is the Church led to respond to the first reading? What is the Psalm of response?

5. What instruction do we receive from the Lord in the second reading? Where is He causing us to look within our own lives?

6. What is the good news from the Gospel and where in our lives are we supposed to apply new faith in God because the Gospel is true?

7. Ask the Spirit to illuminate one thing from the homily that we need to chew on, examine, study, or meditate with. 

8. Gather our thoughts, from previous preparation before Mass, and list what we offer God today – from our gifts and talents to our sins and brokenness. Bring all these things in prayer to Him at the Altar.

9. Listen carefully to the prayers during the Consecration of the Blessed Sacrament. What are they asking for? What are they proclaiming about God’s Kingdom? What is the Church depending on God to do?

10. As we go forward to receive the Blessed Sacrament, are we in a state of Grace. If so, then receive with great humility, unworthiness and thankfulness. If not, ask for a blessing instead and beg God for forgiveness. Confess your sins now, with the intention to go to Confession as soon as possible. 

11. Listen to the closing prayer and blessing that is given. What is the Church asking for? What are we asking for?

12. As you leave Mass, reflect on where we are being sent to this week and reflect on how we can bring Jesus with us.

When we read the Gospels, everyone who encountered the Lord was changed. The Mass is the greatest encounter with the Lord. How are we changing because of the Mass?