While working on a new video for the website to describe the WOW Process, I was praying for ways to articulate the differences between Walking On Water and a traditional small group process. While asking the Holy Spirit for help, I was led to ponder something that I eventually used in the video.

I spent some time pondering what the experience of the Apostles might have been like as they learned directly from the Lord.  They were blessed to engage in one of the two forms of education needed to become a Disciple of Christ. I call this passive learning. To be able to sit at the feet of the Lord and listen to His instruction must have been a glorious time.

In passive learning, we simply sit and listen to someone speak, like a homily or lecture or bible study or video. It also includes reading scripture and other books. The goal of passive learning is to learn, understand, and retain the material presented. By doing this type of learning, we come to know and understand the subject.

Thus the Apostles, while hearing the Master teach, came to understand and believe who Jesus was. It is important to note that their witness of miracles and unrecognized experience of the Holy Spirit while Jesus spoke was critical for growing in faith. For the most part, their passive learning revealed their Messiah and His teaching. This created a desire for them to follow Him and give up their other affairs to go.

The other kind of learning that I believe is critical for the Disciple of Jesus Christ is active or engagement learning. For the Apostles, this is likened to being sent out two by two to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick and cast out demons. Like babies who watch their parents walk around their house and eventually attempt to stand and later walk, the Apostles learned from the Lord, the truth of His authority and witnessed healings and the casting out of demons. When the Lord knew they were ready, He sent them out.

This type of learning is active because they must engage the truth in faith with their lives. By going out to proclaim the Kingdom they must leave their comfort zones and place themselves where they must stand on the truths that they learned from Jesus. It is easy to sit passively and learn, but to be in a situation where you must learn to dispose your life and depend on the Holy Spirit to act in the world, is learning on an entirely different level. Why? Because risk taking is engaged in the learning process.

This higher stage of learning, where we actively engage the Holy Spirit in the most protected places of our lives and hearts, causes us to grow through being healed and gaining confidence in God and His Word. The power of the Word of God is found in the ways we choose to apply it in our lives. However, if out of fear we only remain passive in our learning, we never gain the confidence in God and His word and thus never learn to stand on His Truth.

If we are not careful, we will allow the World to tempt us to seek cheap grace. That is, grace that doesn’t cost us anything. We want God’s grace without having to take the risk of failure. As a result, many will never test God’s word because the risk will be too great for their level of faith.