For years, I have been wondering why all the efforts of our local parishes to catechize our youth have brought about so few results. After spending four years on the road and examining this specific question, it became very clear.
The Great Assumption:
Most Catholic parishes operate under what I have come to call the Great Assumption. The consequences of utilizing this assumption have influenced the decision we make about our catechetical efforts in just about every program we run, most of the homilies preached, and in the expectations of the parish staff.
Assumption – We assume that just because a person is Baptized/Confirmed they have the Holy Spirit activated within them.
We know that the Church definitively teaches that when a person goes through these two sacraments, they receive the Holy Spirit – this is true. However, the New Evangelization is a call to go back into our parishes and evangelize those who have been sacramentalized, but never evangelized.
The Church Fathers have come to recognize that something is not right. The gradual and now drastic attrition from our ranks has forced us to evaluate what is going on and how to rectify them. I believe that so long as we live by this assumption, our efforts on a mass scale will fail. So what do we need to pay attention to?
Under this great assumption, Catechesis has replaced Evangelization. We are spending most of our time teaching people what it looks like to be Catholic rather than equipping them with what is needed to become Catholic. (An intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, through the active indwelling of the Holy Spirit)
We make little to no attempt to look for evidence of the Holy Spirit’s presence in the hearts of new believers. We Baptize and Confirm our children while many of them still question whether God exists.
God makes us truly Catholic, yet if the Holy Spirit is not actively engaged, our catechetical efforts tend to push our youth away from the Church rather than draw them closer to Christ.
Catechises should always be at theservice of Evangelization. (GDC #33) Instead of thinking that knowledge is faith, we must restore catechesis as the vehicle that only assists in leading one into an authentic faith that actually enables a believer to trust in God.
Evangelization is a process that cannot be simply marked off a checklist because you covered the content.
If we want to bear a bountiful harvest of fruit, we are going to have to restore the process of Evangelization and see Catechesiss as a tool toward leading hearts to Christ.