After twelve years of NEM Ministry all over the country and evaluating the trends of the catholic culture, the Lord has started to guide us into producing something new for the Church. For years, we have been waiting upon the Lord to give us our marching orders. Each time the NEM Board of Directors would gather together to pray and discern the Lord’s will, the answer was the same – “stay the course”

I must confess that this was extremely difficult to do. I have come to realize that to wait upon the Lord is one of the greatest deaths one of His disciples must learn to die. It was a painful process, but I have a Board of Directors that was wise enough to see that “unless the Lord builds the house, the laborers labor in vain”. 

The Lord’s timing is everything, and a little over a year ago He got the ball rolling by leading us to commit to having one of our Evangelistic Missions professionally video recorded. While dreaming of what we could do with this content, the original idea was to create a DVD set and a small group program. The DVD set, entitled “Call To The Deep, Becoming Who God Created You To Be”, will be ready by Christmas 2019. 

The Lord opened up all the doors and answered all the fleeces used for discernment. It was miraculous, but that is another story for another blog down the road. So, once we signed the contracts and committed just about all of our financial resources, we set everything into action. That’s when the walls showed up. 

What does one do with walls from God?

There was no question that God wanted us to do this; all four fleeces were answered quite accurately. So I went back to prayer, and the Lord began to lead me back to what I have discovered in my twelve years, particularly in the last five. I noticed that more Catholic adults were responding to their parish’s call for more catechesis. 

Many were going, but there was a phenomenon that I was starting to see. People were going to Alpha, Christlife and other regional retreat programs, praise God!!! BUT, they were not applying this new knowledge to their lives. It was as if they were simply consuming knowledge. 

Finally, after numerous attempts to go around the walls (that I didn’t know were God’s), I began to follow His direction. It is a new direction that is quite out of the norm for small groups. It is not like anything else currently out there. It has a razor sharp focus on growing in faith. It is designed to be simple and applicable with the content from all the other programs currently available. 

What we will be introducing within a year (I hope), is a brand new small group method that is totally geared towards bearing fruit!!! The title of this project is called “Walking On Water”. We have been beta testing this new small group process for six weeks now, and the results have been extremely positive.  
Stay tuned to the website over the next few weeks and months for more information about the new video project and the WOW process.