Everyone is looking for the magic program that will fix what is broken in our parishes. They are struggling to find something that will reach hearts for Christ. I believe we are afraid of going to places that we have never been before. With that said, allow me to present you with a couple of key ideas that I believe we (the local Church) are going to have to address if we are going to bear the fruits we desire.

1. We Make Disciples of Jesus Christ!

We are going to have to effectively articulate the purpose for the local parish that concretely illustrates its premier role of making disciples. Many parishes are providing some very good programs that will lead individuals to encounter Christ, which is badly needed. However, this is being done within the current paradigm as an added program to the “rest of the Parish programs.” We need to place before the people, the clear vision that the local Catholic Church is about making disciples of Christ. Without this concise vision, we have no unifying purpose, and therefore structure, to keep us moving forward.
What does our parish accomplish?

2. We make Evangelization the foundation of every Ministry!

Evangelization has to become foundational to every ministry in the Church. Once you make Evangelization another initiative, like Religious Education or Outreach, you’ve begun to fail. Everyone will look to those in “that” ministry to do the evangelization for the parish. A great example of that is the ministry of greeters at Mass. Once you establish that ministry, those in the pew are tempted (Unless the leadership addresses this) to let “the greeter” meet the new people.
How does every ministry evangelize and make disciples?

3. We are led by the Holy Spirit!

One of the critical elements of discipleship training is in teaching new disciples how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who makes disciples (and Catholics), but we are doing very little to train them to learn to hear the voice and will of the Spirit. I believe that the reason for this is because most local parishes are not led by the Holy Spirit. This is why we like programs. The program tells us what to do instead of God! How can a new disciple learn to wait hear from God when the leadership does not? To learn to listen to the Spirit in prayer is the first critical death that leads to mature discipleship.
Do we really wait upon the Lord to make decisions about Parish Ministry?

Satan has effectively influenced the people in such a way that the people no longer participate in our programs. One thing is absolutely evident; we must transform our parishes into something quite different than what we have today. There is only one person who knows how to do that at your parish. The Holy Spirit!
“Let us pray…”


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